Behind The Wall Of My Black Shame.
Within this world of heartache and hard breaks.
Amongst the ever-changing parade of faces.
Amiss the abandoned dreams of the urban fiend.
There are two worlds appearing as one and the same.
I beckon you behind the wall of my Black Shame.
Trapped beneath consequences expressed by a life sentence.
Agitated by nostalgic thoughts of potential wasted.
Bearing witness to atrocities bore of ignorance and hypocrites.
I am but a transient, no longer a being of significance.
I welcome you behind the wall of Black Shame.
Strangled by the arid air of life measured by failure.
Where emaciated souls are deprived of compassion, love, and understanding.
Hidden beneath the conception of good by perpetual rejection.
This is the world behind the wall of my Black Shame.
A body of hate born of pain struggling to love, all in vain.
Michael Bell